There are many misconceptions about dental offices. We’re going to be easing some of that unknown stress you may have about going to the dentist. When coming in to see us at Tree City Family Dental, we’ll make sure you’re aware of all the steps that go into your visit. No need to worry! We’ve also uncovered some of the myths surrounding your teeth’s health. Below are just some of the things that are widely misunderstood about your teeth!

Dental Myths

One of the biggest myths about seeing the dentist is that if your teeth aren’t bothering you, you don’t need to worry about visiting. Visits to the dentist are to prevent any problems in the future. This way, your teeth stay consistently healthy. Most people think a visit to the dentist means pain. Our dental hygienists are professionals and know how to clean and polish your teeth in a way that is pain-free.
There is also a misconception that if you’re nervous about seeing the dentist, we don’t have time for you. Also very untrue. Part of our job is to make sure you are comfortable with the process and cared for throughout every step of your visit. Although seeing the dentist is extremely important, your oral health doesn’t stop there. Making sure you are brushing and flossing at home between visits ensures a healthy mouth!

Teeth Myths

Brushing your teeth is a daily (hopefully more than once) activity. So we’ve decided to dive into some of the misconceptions about brushing your teeth! One of the myths is that the harder you brush, the cleaner your teeth will be. This actually can wear down some of your enamel that protects your teeth. Try holding your toothbrush with only three fingers (thumb, pointer, and middle) to ease up some of that pressure. Another misconception is if your gums bleed when you floss your teeth, you should leave them be. If you floss daily, the bleeding will go away in time. Bleeding is just a sign of where your toothbrush is missing.

Dental Myths for Children

There can be some confusion about when your kiddos should be seeing the dentist as well! Children should still see a dentist even before their adult teeth grow in. This not only helps their health from an early age, but it gets your kids acclimated to the dentist so there isn’t any stress or worry later on. Another misconception is that, for children, milk is the only way to get plenty of calcium for their teeth. Cheese, yogurt, beans, and almonds are all great ways to get the right amount of calcium! No need to fret if your child doesn’t like milk. It’s also important to teach your kids good habits of brushing those baby teeth so their adult teeth can break out properly.

These are just a few of the common misconceptions about your overall oral health and dental visits. Tree City Family Dental is the perfect place to ensure healthy teeth and stress-free visits! If you have any more concerns about your upcoming visit or your oral health, don’t hesitate! Give us a call today!